Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Healing With Alkaline Water And Colon Cleanse

A dirty colon is the causes of most diseases!
90% and above of diseases or ailments is related to unhygienic intestines.
(England Royal Medical Collage)
According to Traditional Chinese Sinseh:Cleanliness and proper hygience is the source of good health.Unhygiene intestines ,dirty blood will cause us to suffer from a variety of diseases and ailments!

According to research done in Japan with the measurement of the people`s daily constipation habit constitute appropriately 6-10 pounds of remain feces or stools in the intestines.

90% of diseases or ailments is derive from the intestines.The toxic that is accumulated in the intestines and the remaining feces that is attached at colon affects the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients.Besides that,it also contaminates the blood and leads to body cysts,cancer,high levels of uric acid,anemia,rheumatism,kidney problems and other chronic ailments.

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